St. Louis Graduates results are published in National Civic Review

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis is proud to particpate in St. Louis Graduates, a collaborative network of community and educational partners dedicated to ensuring students are prepared for postsecondary education and supported as they persist in their studies and earn their degrees. This collaborative has yielded a very positive impact—the percent of adults in the St. Louis region who graduated college has increased from 38% in 2011 to 42% in 2014.

Recently, Dr. E. Terrance Jones wrote a case study about St. Louis Graduates titled “Improving College Access: The St. Louis Graduates Initiative.” This study details the beginnings of St. Louis Graduates (co-founded by Scholarship Foundation Executive Director Faith Sandler), its strategic plan, and efforts to execute the plan (professional development, advocacy, Scholarship Central, High School to College Center, and measuring outcomes). Finally, the case study reveals the results and lessons learned from the first four years of this collaboration. The study was published in the current issue of the National Civic Review, the journal of the National Civic League.

To read “Improving College Access: The St. Louis Graduates Initiative,” please clickhere.