Loan Repayment

Think of repayment as a form of recycling. The money that you repay will be used by the Foundation to help another student achieve his or her educational goals. It is in everyone's best interest for repayment to be as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

Borrowers who submit a final promissory note will receive a one-year grace period following graduation. Borrowers who do not complete their program or those who are enrolled in less than six credit hours will begin repayment immediately. While in repayment, students may access their account at any time using our online student portal:

Student Portal

To access the student portal, log in with your email address. A verification code will be emailed to you immediately. Once received, enter the verification code to access your account. If this is your first time logging in, please select the link to ‘’sign up’’ located just below the Log In button.

Monthly payments are due on the 15th of each month and remain interest-free and fee-free throughout repayment. The Scholarship Foundation notifies graduates when payments are expected to begin, offering several convenient options:


For those who are employed with a stable income, automated withdrawal (ACH) is the best choice. Simply download and complete our Authorization Form for Direct Payments form. Payments are then automatically deducted monthly at no additional cost. Most financial institutions also provide automated bill pay services, but often fees are charged.

Online Payments

Payment may be made through our website using any major credit or debit card by clicking the button below. Responsible use of credit cards can be a good way for a new graduate to build up a credit score, but caution is warranted! Finance charges on credit cards can be an expensive form of debt for consumers.

A Scholarship Foundation student ID number is required to make a payment online. A graduate who does not know his or her unique student ID number may contact us to request it by clicking here.

Make a Loan Payment

Check or Money Order

A check or money order can be mailed to the Scholarship Foundation at any time. Payments are processed within five business days of receipt. Cash should never be mailed. Checks should be made out to The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis and sent to:

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis
6825 Clayton Avenue, Suite 100
St. Louis, Missouri 63139

Other Options

Those finding themselves in situations where repayment becomes temporarily difficult to maintain should contact the Foundation immediately. The Scholarship Foundation can help. The Foundation recognizes a number of extenuating circumstances that could result in reduction or temporary deferment of monthly payments.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please click here to complete our online Student Loan Repayment Assessment form.

If you are enrolled in school for at least six credit hours and wish to defer payment of your interest-free loan while in school, please click here to complete an Educational Deferment Request.