St. Louis Graduates High School to College Center Opens June 1, 2013!


Need help finalizing college plans over the summer? St. Louis Graduates is opening a new High School to  College Center, a free resource to help recent high school graduates with last minute college issues. The Scholarship Foundation staff, along with team of school counselors, nonprofit staff members, community volunteers, and financial aid professionals will help students and answer questions about financial aid award letters, college online enrollment and course registration, how to get to school in the fall or where to live, and completion of necessary paperwork.

The Center is open daily from June 1 to August 18 from noon to 5 pm.

There are three ways to contact the High School to College Center:

Call:                 (314) 932-6956
Stop In:            618 North Skinker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63112
 In the Delmar Loop, corner of Delmar and Skinker, a few blocks                             west of the Metrolink station

For more information, please click here to read St. Louis Graduates’ press release about the Center.