
Advising 2021: Commitment Continues

Though Scholarship Foundation staff dearly miss in-person advising in high schools, colleges, and community organizations, the offices remain closed to the public. All summer and fall workshops, appointments, and presentations will occur virtually. Scholarship Foundation staff is working on a hybrid schedule to minimize risk and continue to reduce community spread of COVID.  Watch for an announcement when the Foundation begins to admit members of the public to the office on an appointment-only basis in coming months.

Recently, national data analysts forecasted that Missouri will not reach the threshold of at least 70% of the eligible population receiving at least one dose of vaccine until November, 2021. In addition to a core service area that covers all counties in the St. Louis metro area in Missouri and Illinois, The Scholarship Foundation provides outreach and other support services, as well as scholarship grants, in four programs serving rural students throughout the state.

Foundation staff are working to alert students on campus decisions regarding vaccination requirements where they have been announced. Advisors are reaching out to students to assist them in locating a vaccine and making contingency plans as needed for fall in-person attendance as conditions change. These services and others have been effectively provided remotely by the remarkable advising staff for three semesters thus far. Advisors hope that forecasts hold and it is safe to resume in person workshops and advising visits in communities throughout the state by the start of 2022.

Scholarship Foundation Advisors working very hard on behalf of students and remotely through the close of this year are:

  • Félipe Martínez, Senior Student Advisor
  • Dominesha Newton, Student Advisor
  • Robert Sagastume, Student Advisor
  • Teresa Steinkamp, Advising Director