New Equity Dashboard Released

Rob FoleyImpact, News

The Scholarship Foundation is proud to announce a new tool for review of organizational impact, the Equity Dashboard.  The Foundation publishes data to tell stories, document outcomes, and operate transparently. For the last six years, Key Performance Indicators and Program Dashboards have been published annually. Now, the Equity Dashboard provides another lens with which to view participation in the governance, resources and programs of the organization.

The educational mission of the Foundation is inextricably linked to matters of racial and economic equity in the community.  Daily efforts of the Foundation seek to improve outcomes for students, countering effects of systemic inequity. The public is invited to join Scholarship Foundation board and staff in assessing how the Foundation itself is working with integrity and with equity foremost in mind.

Please take a moment to explore the new Equity Dashboard by clicking on the image below, or by visiting

Please contact Director of Information Technology, Rob Foley with questions or suggestions.