New Publication on Student-Led Advocacy Now Available

September 27, 2022

In September, the National College Attainment Network (NCAN) held its annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia. In recognition of the host city’s leadership in the civil rights movement, this year’s conference theme was Advancing the Right to Postsecondary Attainment.”

Director of Advocacy, Karina Arango, with colleagues from Trellis Foundation and Every Texan, published a powerful guide on student-led advocacy. Karina and colleagues presented the publication during a 60-minute workshop entitled, “Student Changemakers: Establishing a policy advocacy program led by student fellows.” With over 65 workshop attendees present, there was rich dialogue on the importance of student-led advocacy, authentic leadership, and effective practices on advancing civic engagement through advocacy.

At this link, you can find the guide which features the Scholarship Foundation’s advocacy program, staff, and students with an afterword from Executive Director, Faith Sandler. The Scholarship Foundation is especially grateful to friends and colleagues at Trellis Foundation and NCAN who support the work students lead.