
New Location, New Scholars: Local Collaboration Opens Doors for Deaconess Nursing Scholars

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis hosted the first student orientation at its new office location, welcoming the 2017 Deaconess Nursing Scholars. The Deaconess Nursing Scholarship Program is a collaboration between The St. Louis American Foundation, The Scholarship Foundation, and The Deaconess Foundation, which initiated and provides funding for the scholarships. The Deaconess Nursing Scholarship supports 10-12 students annually within the St. Louis region who demonstrate financial need, strong character, and academic potential, and who intend to pursue a degree in nursing.

The orientation was a social yet informative event. Fellow scholars were able to meet and mingle with one another, and staff at The Scholarship Foundation opened up an engaging dialog around the services offered to help students understand financial aid, manage debt, and succeed in college. Following a light reception, guest speakers Tamitha Walker McKinnis, VP of Programs at the Deaconess Foundation, and Dr. Donald M. Suggs, publisher and executive editor of The St. Louis American and president of the St. Louis American Foundation, expressed their pride and offered words of wisdom to the future healthcare providers.

The orientation demonstrated the significance of providing support and services for the sake of others’ wellbeing, and ultimately left everyone in the room feeling inspired and enthused for the students’ bright future ahead!