Explore our 2016 Program Data


The core of The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis’ mission is to provide financial support directly to students.  In 2016,  a total of $4.1 million in interest-free loans, grants, and scholarships were distributed to 512 students who otherwise would not have been able to afford the high cost of postsecondary education.

Click on the image below to view two pages of interactive data dashboards that provide options for filtering and further reviewing the data depicted. The first page focuses on demographic data for the students that were funded by the Foundation in 2016. The second page provides details about the direct financial support that has been provided to students.

Click on any graphic to initiate dynamic updates based on that selection. The diversity of the St. Louis region and the students who seek higher education is readily apparent in the data of The Scholarship Foundation.  If questions or suggestions on usability arise, please feel free to click here to email a question to the Foundation’s IT director.