
Effective Online Learning

Fall semester classes begin in a few weeks and students need to prepare themselves for some amount of online education.

Learning online is different than in-person; ask any student who has taken an online class. Taking multiple—or all—classes online requires organization and planning. With the help of Madison Flotho, The Scholarship Foundation has put together a tip sheet: Effective Online Learning, which provides some specific strategies for students who will be learning online this year.

  1. Connect and Communicate
  2. Create Workspace
  3. Schedule Your Time

Before the semester begins, be sure to read the full tip sheet, Effective Online Learning, and prepare your space, outline a rough schedule, and start to build community. Remember, your Scholarship Foundation Student Advisor can be part of your community of support. If you would like help thinking through any of these strategies; help making a plan or schedule; or assistance in identifying resources, your Student Advisor can help.



If you are new to The Scholarship Foundation and would like to be connected with a Foundation Advisor, please complete this brief intake form and we will be in touch with you. Current Scholarship Foundation students can contact the Foundation or call or email their Advisor directly.