Designated Scholar Loans, 1981-2021
The Designated Scholar Loan Program was created by then Foundation President Nancy Kalishman in December, 1981. Of the program, she said “This kind of giving and caring, we hope, will engender giving and caring in the loan recipients themselves another day.” Every Designated Scholar Loan has a story, and DSLs were established by donors wishing to connect with students, honor special occasions, encourage specific fields of study, or remember or honor loved ones. DSLs were established by a variety of people, including current and former board members, former Foundation students, and members of the community.

Over its lifetime, the DSL program raised over $5 million, which are recycled through the loan program as borrowers repay and new students are awarded, providing future stability for the Foundation. The program ran for 40 years until December, 2021. During that time, almost 200 donors established 317 Designated Scholar Loans, which will be listed in perpetuity. Many were established by former students, proving that Mrs. Kalishman showed great foresight in hoping that the funds would engender giving and caring in those who were awarded from them.
For information on giving opportunities to honor or memorialize loved ones, connect to students, or increase impact through targeted giving, please see the Case for Support, or contact or contact Director of Advancement Jenny Weber at 314-932-6927 or
Anonymous (four students)
Mark Adolphus
Jean Agatstein and Les Loewe
Ann L. Arenberg
Paul M. Arenberg
Marian D. Auer (three students)
Martin I. Axelbaum
J. M. Babad (two students)
Charline and Richard Baizer
William Robert and Mary Graf Bard
Joseph L. and E. Frances Baruzzini
Belden Inc.
Richard A. Bennett, Jr.
Ruth and Ralph Berg
Dr. Harry I. Berland
John A. Blake
David A. Blanton III
Alison Boettcher
Jason Boettcher
Sierra Carson Boettcher
Milford and Lee Bohm (three students)
Jennie Bornstein
Mary and Robert Bronstein (two students)
M. Erwin and Patricia R. Bry
>Civil Society
Joanne Smith Clark
Joanne M. Clevinger (two students)
Milton J. Dickman and Leonore Dickman Cohn
Cook Family
Charles and Barbara Cook (two students)
Robert Cortinovis
Kathianne Knaup Crane
Margaret and Irvin Dagen
Rose Deutch
Casswell Philip and Sally Blackwell Diggs
Louise E. and George J. Dobratz
Herman Dreer
Dorothy Dubinsky
Saul A. Dubinsky
Eunice and Wilbur Eckstein
Marjorie and William Eddy
Harry Edison (four students)
Joey Eidelman Memorial Scholarship
David Eiseman, III
Carrie E. Kern Ellis
Andrew Engster
Max and Melba Erlich Charitable Foundation
Gloria and Rubin Feldman Family (six students)
Lisette Steiner Fisher
Chester M. Flegel, in memory of Esther Flegel (two students)
Felecia Fleishman
Fox Family Foundation
Samuel A. and Lillian Fox
Rose and Alfred Frager
Frances and Harold Franklin
Hattie Steiner Freund
Margaret and Arthur J. Freund
Dr. Ira and Judith Gall
Sue and Donald Gallop
Zoe and Donald Gellman
Janice and Stanley Gitt Memorial (two students)
Myron Glassberg
Richard Samuel Glassberg
Sunny Glassberg (four students)
Irving Goldman
Miriam Goldman
Chip Wolkowitz Goldstein
Gloria M. Goldstein
Ruth and Bud Goldstein
Samuel R. Goldstein
Sara G. and Joseph Goldstein Family
Myron Gollub (two students)
Mary Christy Gordon
Edith and Robert Gosnell
Clarence Harmon
Jean F. Harris
Janet Meador Harrison
Heidemann Family
Herman W. Heyman and Amelia H. Heyman
Gay M. Hirsch and Henry D. Ross
Barbara Pidgeon Holley
Harold and Ethel Horowitz Family (two students)
A.E. Hotchner (three students)
Robert W. Howell
Marti Hughes and Jill Hill
John and Marlene Isaacs
Susan Iskiwitch
Dr. Edet B. Ituen
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Janney, Jr. (six students)
Carol G. Jones
Cindy G. Jones
David R. Jones
Robert E. Jones
Jerome Kalishman (two students)
Nancy F. Kalishman
Drs. Irene and Michael Karl
Sylvia and Jason Kawin
Ellen S. Kern
Hugh R. Kern
Sara L. Kern
David M. Kipnis
Laura Kipnis and Sid Goldstein
Paula Kipnis
Paula and David Kipnis
Knaup Family (three students)
Gunther and Doris Kohn
Rosalind Jacobs Korach
Harvey Kornblum Family (two students)
Meyer and Marcelle Kranzberg
Phyllis and Ken Langsdorf Family
Ruby and Jay Lapin
The Leader Foundation of Stix, Baer, & Fuller (three students)
Des Lee/Paraquad
Joseph and Georgiana Lehman
Evelyn and Isadore Levine
Dick and Jo Liddy Family
Helen Lindberg
Howard Lindberg
Lodato Family
Lodato and Rigden Family
Louise and Benjamin Loeb
Lucy and Stanley Lopata (six students)
Ann and Paul Lux (two students)
Samuel A. and Louise Neymark Mages
Wendy J. Magid
Lois Malashock
Nathan Margolin
Richard S. Marx
Barry Massie (three students)
Felice Massie (six students)
Henry Massie (three students)
Edward and Peggy Matthews
J. Bruce McBrayer
Dr. G. Leland and Brenda Melson
Wilma and Roswell Messing
Paula Meyer
Helen C. Millstone (four students)
Hubert C. Moog
Moskowitz Family
Mary Arnold Mottl
Samuel B. Murphy
C. Edwin and Ilene Murray
Myron Newman (nineteen students)
Stuart Oelbaum
Edwin and Betty Pallo
Philpott/Augustin (three students)
Donald and Susan Poling
Helen and Carl Pratter
Pratter Family
Sheila Carr Prensky
Promise to Sameer
Laura J. Reichman
Catherine Sessel Reydon (six students)
Orville and Betty J. Richardson
James Joshua Romeis
Myla and Orville Rosenblum
Peggy and Donald Ross (two students)
Fount Rowbottom
Julius and Rebecca Rudman
Ruwitch Family
Faith Sandler 25th Anniversary
Judith and Richard Sandler (two students)
Sally Glassberg Sands (four students)
Joy and Jerome Sandweiss (two students)
Schanzmeyer Family
Ed and Nancy Schapiro
Ellen Schapiro and Gerald Axelbaum
Rose and Benjamin Schermer
Jane E. and William A. Schmalz (seven students)
Eugene Bernard Schwartz
Margaret "Peggy" Schweig
Bente Seitz
Marjorie and Marc Seldin
Dr. Hyman Senturia
Joan and Marcus Sessel (six students)
Joan Ann Sessel
Leah Ree Shampaine (four students)
Marilyn Shampaine
Robert Shampaine
Lori R. Shanfeld
Lucas Bernard Shanker
The Ray Shaw Business Journal
William Shieber
Louise Becker Shire
Earl Shreckengast
Rick Simoncelli (two students)
Thomas and Sherry Singer
Ruth and Alvin Siteman
Linda Dubinsky Skrainka
Jerome Spector (three students)
St. Louis Industry Liaison Group
Staenberg Family Foundation
Jeannette G. and Jennings J. Stein (two students)
Sameer Talwar Memorial
William and Anne Tao
Emily and Paul Ullman (three students)
Biron A. Valier
Barbara C. Veron
Janis Saifer Weitzman
Marilyn Werner
Morton Werner
Tesse and Emanuel Werner
Daisy Wilson
Miki and Morrie Zimring