

Have you recently been notified that an offer of admission or scholarship made to you by your school has been rescinded or revoked? Do you have reason to think this is a result of an identity characteristic (your race, sexuality, immigration status)?

If so, The Scholarship Foundation wants to hear from you. We want to document, clarify, and challenge policies and practices that are unfair to students. Please call or text (314) 250-9939 to reach Foundation representatives Tori or Haylee, or simply complete an online reporting form by clicking HERE. Your response will be collected anonymously and kept confidentially.

For information on your rights and examples of questions you can ask of your school, click HERE.

At The Scholarship Foundation, we know that human beings are not “illegal”, and that no scholarship is “DEI”. You have earned the funds promised to you.

For updates on our findings, please consider following The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis on Facebook or Instagram.