
The Scholarship Foundation Announces New Expanded Centennial Collaboration Scholarship Program

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis is pleased to announce that it will provide $1.2 million in scholarship grants annually through the Centennial Collaboration Scholarship Program thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. This program significantly expands the scope of a scholarship that was initiated in 2014 to improve the lives of young people, contribute to regional efforts to boost degree completion and build workforce talent, and create significant change in educational outcomes for students with financial need.

Each year, 100 students who are active participants in programs at selected collaborating youth development organizations will receive grants of up to $12,000 per academic year, which may be renewed for up to ten semesters. Designated partner organizations, including Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, College Bound, and Wyman Teen Leadership Program, provide robust college and career support to their participants. Students who are awarded scholarship grants will also receive ongoing advising and support from Scholarship Foundation student advisors, and are eligible to apply for interest-free loans, paid internships, and other grant opportunities through the Foundation.

The online application for the Centennial Collaboration Scholarship is now open at and the deadline to submit applications is April 16, 2018. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors who are planning to attend accredited, nonprofit colleges in Missouri or a small number of colleges in Illinois. For more detailed information, please contact The Scholarship Foundation at (314) 725-7990.

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis, a nonprofit organization founded in 1920, is based upon the conviction that an educated society is essential to a democracy. The Scholarship Foundation provides access to postsecondary education to members of our community who otherwise would not have the financial means to fulfill their educational goals. Annually, nearly 500 students are awarded approximately $4 million in direct financial support in the form of interest-free loans and grants from The Scholarship Foundation.

About the partner organizations:

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri was founded in 1914 as one of the charter affiliates of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. The agency’s mission is to build trusting and enduring relationships between young people, ages 5-25, and adult mentors. The agency’s comprehensive model also includes supporting academic access and success from kindergarten to career. The organization currently provides services to children and families in St. Louis City and County, St. Charles County, Jefferson County, Cape Girardeau County and Scott County.

College Bound

Through an individualized, holistic, and multi-year commitment, College Bound empowers promising students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve bachelor’s degrees and fulfilling careers. College Bound commits to students fully for seven to nine years: increasing ACT scores, making informed decisions on ‘best-fit’ schools, understanding responsible debt, persisting to degree attainment and securing career-track employment. At College Bound, a degree is an important stepping stone to living a life of choice and opportunity.


Wyman empowers teens from economically disadvantaged circumstances to lead successful lives and build strong communities. Through its engaging, empowering, and experiential programs, young people focus on healthy behaviors and relationships, life and leadership skills, and educational success, including post-secondary access and persistence. Serving teens in St. Louis, as well as nationally, for over a century, Wyman envisions a day when all young people in America thrive in learning, work, and life.