In 2023, national events punctuated the college access and completion world: June’s U.S. Supreme Court decision to prohibit admissions on the basis of race, or in which race is a determining factor, prompted changes in enrollment management policies and practices at institutions across the nation. Additionally in 2023, the U.S. Department of Education promised a redesigned Free Application for Free Student Aid (FAFSA) which was then delayed until December 31. These events triggered tectonic shifts which have shaken students attempting to navigate changes that threaten individual aspirations. And as the cost of attendance continues to rise, so does the concern for the financial solvency of some colleges and universities.
The Scholarship Foundation’s expert advice, gap-closing funding, and advocacy for systems change are dearly needed sources of hope. In 2023, The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis and Edward Jones partnered to launch the Edward Jones Scholarship, which was awarded to 75 students who started their college careers in the fall. The Foundation’s Student Advisors reached thousands of students and families in the process of making life-changing financial and educational decisions. Foundation Policy Fellows traveled to Washington, D.C., Jefferson City, and to institutions of higher education to promote positive change. The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis puts high-quality advice, awards, and advocacy within reach for students, families, and community. Thank you for being part of that community.

Advancement Committee
Muhammad Islam, Vice-President
Martha Aronson
Jennie Jean-Jacques
Lynne Kipnis
Jill Nowak
Barb Touchette
Advocacy Committee
Karen Drake, Vice-President
Gerald Axelbaum
Jacqueline Meaders Booth
Debra Kennard
Laura Kipnis
Cardelia Collier-Robinson
Tom Ruwitch
Board Development Committee
April Mickens Jolly, Chair
Cory Bricker
Buff Buffkin
Katy Kreusser
Jordan Watson
Beth-Anne Yakubu
Planning and Finance Committee
Jan Hendrickson, Treasurer
Clayton Evans
Linda Goldstein
Joel Iskiwitch
David Meyer
Bob Schmalz
Heidi Veron
Program Committee
Matt Dace, Vice-President
Azmy Azmy
Jen Engeling
Joan Magruder
John Milonas
Lainie Neiman
Estie Pruett
Honorary Life Directors
Buff Buffkin
Betsy Douglass
Joyce Follman
Linda Goldstein
Joel Iskiwitch
Nancy Kalishman
Lynne Kipnis
Julia Muller
Estie Pruett
Audrey Shanfeld
Barbara Touchette
Special Thanks to Our Donors
The women who, in 1920, established the organization that became The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis responded to a need they saw in their community. Immigrants fleeing Eastern Europe struggled to access higher education due to cost, and the impacts were far-reaching. Though much has changed through the generations that have followed, the donors listed below continue to give in support of those in our community in greatest need, putting opportunities that would otherwise be unattainable within reach.
Contributions made between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, are accumulated in the giving categories below. Such contributions include gifts and pledges to general support, scholarship grant programs, special projects, the interest-free loan program, bequests, and tributes. Donors wishing to make contributions can give online or mail a check payable to “The Scholarship Foundation” to 6825 Clayton Avenue, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63139. More information on other giving options (including planned gifts, bequests, and gifts of stock) is available by contacting Director of Advancement Jenny Weber at 314-932-6927 or jenny@sfstl.org, or by viewing the Case for Support.
Charles S. Bilane Trust
BJC HealthCare
Crawford Taylor Foundation
Edward Jones
Trott Family Philanthropies
James C. Bates & Alison Bates
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Deaconess Foundation
Hauck Charitable Foundation
Pershing Charitable Trust
The Saigh Foundation
St. Louis American Foundation
Ann and Paul Arenberg Family
Jefferson Foundation
Laura Kipnis and Sid Goldstein
Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation
TisBest Philanthropy
Linda and Peter Werner
Youthbridge Community Foundation
Gerald Axelbaum and Ellen J. Schapiro
Mary Graf Bard
Great Rivers Confluence Foundation
Laurie and Ray Van de Riet, Jr.
Susan Werner
Anonymous (two donors)
Steven Arenberg
Robert S. Brunk
Cass Information Systems
Enterprise Mobility Foundation
Harriet Pritchett Grigsby and Marshall Grigsby
The Hawkins Foundation
Drs. Lynne Kipnis and Steven Rothman
Katherine Kreusser, M.D.
Donna Moog* and Leonard Landsbaum
Dr. Julia K. Muller and Mr. Earl Shreckengast
Ilene Murray
Eric P. & Evelyn E. Newman Foundation
Rhea Oelbaum
Nancy Schapiro
Bente and Neil Seitz
Marcus Sessel
Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc.
Strada Education Network
Irene Thalden
The Trio Foundation of St. Louis
Mrs. Robert P. Tschudy
Geraldine* and Robert Virgil
Dianne and Sam Western
Miriam Wilhelm and Eric Friedman
Betsy and Stuart Zimbalist
Anonymous (two donors)
Julian M. Babad Legacy Endowment
Dr. Janet Hendrickson and
Dr. Scott K. Roos
Barb and Dave Touchette
Mr. and Mrs. Al Uljee
Anonymous (two donors)
Martha and David Aronson
Pat L. Cox and Graham A. Colditz
Jackie and David Dimmitt
Janet M. Frane
Mrs. Alvin Frank
Edward Chase Garvey Memorial Foundation
Wendy and Mark Gellman
Linda and Benjamin Goldstein
Mrs. Bernard Kohm
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lewis
Patty and Larry Malashock
Jean S. Mennes
Pott Foundation
Dr. David Riedel and The Honorable Margaret Donnelly
Rotonda Foundation
Melissa and Thomas Ruwitch
Morris Stern, Ph.D.
St. Louis Public Schools Foundation
Luz Maria Vergara and Peter Schram
Jennifer and Ethan Zweig
Anonymous (three donors)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Ackerman
Ameren Corporation Charitable Trust
John Arenberg
Pam and Tom Arenberg
Dr. Arthur I. Auer
Berg Family Fund
Carol and Rick Brabbee
Dr. Kathleen Brunts and
Dr. David Brunts
Buff Buffkin and Donn Kleinschmidt, MD
Commerce Bancshares Foundation
Sharon and Barry Friedman
Nancy I. and Joseph P. Giljum
Anne Hetlage
Joanne and Joel Iskiwitch
Connie McPheeters, Alex & Jenny McPheeters, Lizzy & Dave Rickard, and Katherine McPheeters
Lauren Nash Ming
Missouri Employers Mutual
Missouri Foundation for Health
Jill and David Nowak
Polly O'Brien
Philpott Family Foundation
Timothy and Liz Philpott
Stephanie, Jason, and Ava Grace Regagnon
Mrs. Robert Rosenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rothman
Jane Schapiro Brown and Scott Brown
Bob Seiffert
Shell Oil HERO
Nancy Siteman
Tansuwan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ullman
Valley Insurance Agency Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warshaw
Lois Wilger
Anonymous (three donors)
Azmy Azmy
Arthur Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Howard B. Baltz
Denise Bertrand and Jerry Steiner
Philip Berwick
Lisa and Jaime Boero
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Bonacorsi
Dr. Kay Buchheit and Mr. Donald Adkins
Dr. David Ferrell Butler and Mr. Lance Lee Butler
Dr. Wai E. Chiu
Pat Clausen
Barbara and Charles Cook
Kathianne Knaup Crane and
David Crane
Rachelle and James Crowe
Bruce Czarnik
Kathleen and Thomas Day
Pamela Dern
Dr. Mark C. Eddy
Julian I. and Hope R. Edison
Foundation, Inc.
Edward Jones Women's Leadership Experience Cohort '22
Benjamin F. Edwards
Rachel and David Eidelman
Lelia and David Farr
Mr. and Mrs. William Firestone
Drs. Cynthia Florin and Andrey Shaw
Sari and Carl Frieden
R.M. Fries
Gershman Foundation
Prue and Jeff Gershman
Susan K. Goldberg
Dr. Suzanne Gregoire and Dr. Michael Panneton
Charles R. Grigg
Demetrius and Donielle Grooms
April L. and Albert H. Hamel
Cheryl and Terry Hatfield
Tanya and Brian Hayden
Mrs. Jennifer A. Haynes and
Dr. Brandon Haynes
Dr. Amanda Heidemann
Shay and Joe Hietpas
Jennifer and Tom Hillman
Barb and Mike Hurst
Dr. Muhammad Q. Islam
Wendy and Neil Jaffe
Kathy and Mike Jay
Robert and Carol G. Jones
Dr. Scott Jones and Mr. Ray Lauer
Karen Kalish
Nancy F. Kalishman
Michele and Greg Kloeppel
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Kotner, Jr.
Kent Lewis
Frank Link
Dawn and Chris Lissner
Richard Marx
Ms. Lisa Mechele
Deborah Merovitz
Stefanie Miller
John Milonas and Robert Ramsey
Ms. Mithu
Tracey Nash-Huntley and David Huntley
Peggy and Andy Newman
In honor of Courtney and Gyo Obata
Kim and Bruce Olson
Deborah and Chris Ott
Susie and Gordon Philpott
Frederick Pitzman Fund
Susan Plassmeyer
Mr. S. Jerome Pratter
Esther V. Pruett
Susan and John Rava
Estate of Robert A. Richman
Dana L. Romeis
Don and Nancy Ross
Patrice Ryan
Beverlee Sagel
Ben Sandler
Faith A. Sandler
Barbara Schapiro Scott and
Glenn Scott, Jr.
Robert Schmalz
Marion and Nathan Schulte
Marge Seldin
Audrey Shanfeld
Ellen Sheffield
Sandy Sheldon
Simmons Bank
Gloria Spitzer
Nancy Parker Tice and Paul Tice
Donald Tomlinson*
Gretchen Vander Meulen and
Elsbeth Brugger
Heidi Veron
Katrina Wade, M.D.
Kimberley Wadycki
Tracey and Matthew Wagner
Vicky Weisz and Alan Tomkins
Ms. Cynthia White
Kellie Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Lane Ziegler
Anonymous (three donors)
Wendi Alper-Pressman and
Norman W. Pressman
Dr. and Mrs. Iqbal Amin
Caroline B. Anderson
Jaron Asher
Cathy Augustin and Mike Maskus
Beverly Barron*
Maris Berg
Sandra and Ron Bloom
Anne Boettcher and Dan Martin
Ruth Bollato
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bonacorsi
Ms. Mary Pat Brown
Kathy and Rich Bucholz
Erica Cage
Meg S. Calcaterra
Chiron Community Giving Foundation
Rita Chu
Dr. and Mrs. Min Chung
Closser Inc.
Cardelia Collier-Robinson and
Ron Robinson
Ms. Charlene Zeni Connolly and
Dr. Joseph Connolly
Mr. Joseph E. Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Crowe, Jr.
Gerald Dillon
Dr. Ann Roberts Divine
Jane Donahue and Bill Appleton
Kathryn Doores
Betsy and Thomas Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott
Wendy L. Engeman, DVM
Sara Epstein
Joan Esserman
Alyson and Gregg Garland
Joan Gettemeyer
Connie Gibstine
Gina and Mark Golde
Miggie Greenberg and Andrew Rehfeld
Daniel Greene and Lisa Meyerowitz
Ms. Claire Halpern and
Mr. Michael Greenfield
M. Karl Hawkins
Jeffrey Hochman
Dr. Malaika Horne and
Mr. Prince A. Wells, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jackson
Lynne Johnson
Debbie Killmer
Jennifer Kingston
Dr. Susan Kohl and
Judge Rosemary Denson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langsdorf
Ruby Lapin
Susan and Richard Lederich
Laura and Ernie Lewis
Ronni Lodato and Bill Radlinski
Trisha Lollo and Preston Gann
Judy Markey and Tom Collinger
Virginia and David McDonald
Katie McGrath
Pam McIntyre
Diane Rankin Miller
Laurie Moellering
Rosetta Taylor Moore
Catherine and Birch Mullins
Dr. Tasnim Najaf and
Dr. Aftab Chaudhry
Lainie Neiman
Barbara and Michael N. Newmark
Sandy and Neil Norkaitis
Jerome R. Nuell
Betty and Thomas Philipsborn
Dimon Phillips
Ms. Nancy Quigley
Carol and Dave Rabe
Miriam Spiegel Raskin
Mrs. B. Franklin Rassieur, Jr.
Marilyn and Gary Ratkin
Kristie Ridgeway
Wendy and Frank Ross
Tomer Rothschild
Ann R. Ruwitch and John Fox Arnold
Raamish Saeed
Lauren and Darryl Sagel
Mr. Llewellyn Sale, III
Peggy R. Samuels
Dale and Robert Schreiber
Barb Schwartz
Marcia and Robert E. Shapiro
Kathleen I. Shaw
Ellen Sherberg and Jerry Rosenblum
Pamela and Jeffrey Shore
Jane and Jim Shropshire
Kristen Smith
Marjorie and Kenneth Smith
Teresa and Andy Steinkamp
Mary Strauss
Paul R. Suda
Nicole M. Sullivan-Handshy
Kate Tansey and Steven Wilhelm
Dr. Steven L. Teitelbaum
Dotty and Arnold Tepper
Lisa Kaiser Thorp
Madge Treeger
Sharon Tyus and Sterling Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Vella
Valerie Walch
Claudia and Mark Wall
Susan and Rob Weintraub
Janet and James Williams
Anonymous (seven donors)
Beth Andrews
Barbara and Stephen Archer
Jessica and Ted Aronson
Julie and Rob Aronson
Trent Ball
Ballyhoo Workshop
Bank of America
Debbie Barbeau
Laura and Charles Barnes
Terry and Rick Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Kip Bilderback
Radine and Benjamin Borowsky
Patricia and William Brasher
Joan Briccetti
Cory Bricker
Drs. Archna and Ryan Calfee
Emily and Dan Cohen
Douglas Collinger
Rosemary Cooper
Marcy and Rick Cornfeld
Matthew and Lisa Dace
Amy J. Dircks
Karen O. Drake
Jeff Dreyer
Deborah F. Dubin
Tyler J. Duffy
Jean and Joe Dugan
Marilyn Edison
Betty Rae Epstein
Robin and Gary Feder
Doris W. Finger
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Fouke, Jr.
Cheri and Jay Franklin
Lois Friedman
Susan Z. and James P. Gamble
Richard Goldberg
Steve Goldberg and JD Brooks
Mark Gordon
Dianne and Tim Gray
Sandra Greenberg*
Ms. Susan Meryl Greenberg
Camille and Jim Greenwald
Kelsey and Ryan Henneboehle
Nancy and John Hillhouse
Lotsie and Rick Holton
Susan Shampaine Hopper
Kirk Hughes
Mr. Mark Hunter
Margaret and Martin H. Israel
Cheryl and James Jansen
Debra and Andrew Kennard
Michele Kenner
Brian and Jacqueline Klippenstein
Mr. Maynard Kolbrener
Gene Kornblum
Judy and Richard Laitman
Steven Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Mont Levy
Jeanne B. Lewi
Heidi Loshbaugh and Larry Borowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowenhaupt
Joan Magruder
Mr. and Mrs. Abdul Mannan
Bonnie Marx
Sarah Mermelstein and Tom Eidelman
Paula and Ron Meyer
Jean Moog
Amy and Keith Murphy
Dr. Alison C. Nash and Mr. Clarence Dula
Michelle and Ronald Neblett
Mr. Sanford S. Neuman*
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Nissenholtz
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Otten
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Padawer
Kathleen and Paul Paulsen
Dr. Minnie Phillips
Katie Plax
Pledgeling Foundation/Legacy.com
Judy and Paul Putzel
Howard Rosenberg
Susie and David Rubin
Sarah Russell
Ms. Susan Sauer
Mrs. Margot D. Schwab
Mrs. Suzy B. Seldin
Amy Shannon and Paul Flynn
Shelley Sharifuzzaman and
Nasrin Zaman
Yun-Ho and Richard Sikora
Drs. Joan and Sherman Silber
Stephen W. Skrainka
Corinne and Mark Stock
Gayle and David Stratmann
Jennifer Strohl
Sullivan Bank
Dr. Harriet K. Switzer and
Dr. David L. Cronin
Drs. Joya and Farooq Uraizi
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vines
Joan Wagner
Jenny Weber
Michael Weisbrod
Katie Wibbenmeyer
Jamie Wilger
Dr. and Mrs. Julien Worland
Beth-Anne Yakubu
Tom Yeager
Dr. Debbie Zimmerman and Dr. Jon Root
Anonymous (five donors)
Audrey Adreon
Carolyn Aibel
Inger Andersen
Susan A. Arenberg
Mr. James Arndt
Mr. and Mrs. N. Arne Arneson
Jan Arnold and Steve Stilwell
Betsy and Jeff Atkinson
Dr. Stewart Axelbaum and
Mrs. Carol Axelbaum
Anne and Jack Bader
Kathy and Terry Bader
Nancy Baglan
Cindy and Tom Bander
Anne Bannister
Rhonda Bastine
Kelly and Tom Bayne
Mr. and Mrs. Otis C. Beard
Colleen Beckemeyer
Joyce and Richard Becker
Jamie Beckstead
Jason Beeber
Elaine Bell
Jennifer Belmont Jennings
Ezra Berkenwald
Mark Bernstein
Rudi Bertrand
Mr. Myron H. Biddle
June R. Bierman
Harriet Blickenstaff and Anna Navarro
Nicole Blumner and Warren Rosenblum
Drs. Nanci and James C. Bobrow
Patricia Bohn
K. S. Boltz
Drs. Iris and Steve Borowsky
Cynthia K. and Sanford J. Boxerman
Jonathan Bresman
Holland and James Brigham
Mr. Harvey M. Brown
Polly Brown
Shirley B. and Charles R. Brown
Mr. Steven M. Brown
Mary Alice Bruemmer
Andrew and Susan Bryant
Mary Lee and Ross Burlemann
Elise R. Cady
Kathie and Bill Cahoon
Stacey and Chris Carman
Cathy and Bob Carmody
Drs. Victoria and Michael Chabot
Fawn Chapel and Alan Nemes
Ellie Chapman
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Chase
Pamela Chatman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Claggett, Jr.
Janis Sue Claudson
Bonnie Clyde
Betsy and Bruce Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cohen
Dr. Peggy Cohen Voss
Brigid Coleman and Eric Robben
Rose Coleman
Suzy and Jim Cornbleet
Andrew Coughlin
Holly and Steven Cousins
Anne and Edward Crotty
D & S Industries LLC
Katie Damitz
Lee and Gene Deutsch
Tyronica Dowdy
Janice Doxey
Andrea Durway
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Duskin
Jane Dyonzak
Bill Eastman and Cynthia Garnholz
Catherine C. Ebbesmeyer
Alice Edwards
Don Eggleston
Marci and Rick Eisen
Clayton M. Evans
Mimi and Scott Fargo
Shayla and Jakie Faruq
Velma and Adolphus Favors
Brian Fernandez
Caryn Fine and Robert Kanterman
Michael Fioretti
Sandi and Tom Fischer
Amy Fleming
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Fogarty, Jr.
Joyce and Gary Follman
Dr. Bruce Frank and
Ms. Enid Weisberg-Frank
Helen Frazier
Rene Freels
Mary Ellen and Robert Freund
Stuart Friedman
Barbara Gervais
Christine and James Gilsinan
Judy Gladney
Gail Glenn
Sara and Tim Goertel
Phyllis Goldberg
Mr. Thomas Goldman
Nancy and Alan Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldwasser
Carolyn and Adam Goodman
B. Susan Goodman
Deborah and Phillip Gould
Marsha Bly Grazman
Mr. Harvey Greenstein
Mr. Kurt Gremmler
Darla and George Grossberg
Dory Hack
Timothy Hammett
Mary and Harold Harris
Drs. Ellen and Carl Harshman
Rozann Hatty
Allison G. Hawk
Gary Heifetz
William Hellmuth
Catherine Helm
Christine Henry
Catherine and Nathan Hill
Marian W. and Maurice L. Hirsch, Jr.
Long Hoang
Rhoda Hochman
Dr. Mark Hoffman and
Mrs. Judith Hoffman
Mary and Brad Hohenberg
Jason Huff
Dr. Thy N. Huskey and
Mr. Timothy M. Huskey
Ezgi Ilhan
M. Islam, M.D. and Runa Chowdhury
Andrea Jackson
Gayle Jackson
Joyce Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jaffe
Ms. Jennifer Jean-Jacques
Bettie Johnson
Cindy and Robbie Johnson
Pat and Larry Jones
Scott Kaar
Amy and Jim Kalishman
Phyllis and Steve Kamenetzky
Laura Keeton
Jane Stein Kerr
Nancy and Robert Kipnis
Dr. and Mrs. Allan M. Kohm
Diane and Charles Kolar
Dr. Stuart Kornfeld
Judith Kostman
Barbara Kraft
Nancy and Ken Kranzberg
Richard Krauze
Jody Kuh
Nicholas Kuhn
Andie and Craig LaBarge
Abigail Lambert and Scott Woodbury
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Langsam
Cheryl Laporte
Cindy Laudel
Maureen Lavin
Anna Lehrke
Harry Leip
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lenobel
Leslee and Lewis Levey
Barbara E. Levin and Barry Rosenberg
Ms. Jackie Levin and Mr. Michael Rubin
Diane Levine and James Jenkins, M.D.
Marilyn and Marty Levison
Judith Weiss Levy
Dr. Loretta A. Lewandowski
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.
Caroline Lomo
Kay Loomstein
Kathryn and George Love
Anne and Jeff Lowell
Susan and Eric Lowenstein
Yumeng Luan
Joan and Brian Mackay
Mr. Thomas Malon
Ann Mandelstamm
Jenny Marquart
Dr. Jeffrey and Beki Marsh
Mary Ann Mastorakos
Sue Matlof
Carol Max
Johanna McCarthy
Mr. Brandon K. McCormick
Nancy and Jack McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James S. McDonnell, III
Jacqueline Meaders Booth
Rachel Meier
Marcia Mellitz
Patricia S. Mendel
Clare and Jim Meyerson
Mrs. Dorothy Meyerson
Gina Michael and Marc Wallis
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Charles Miller
Kevin Miller
Michelle and Dean Millonas
Eric Mink
Julie and Keith Moellering
John Mondello
Harry V. Moppins, Jr.
Dr. Patricia Moran
Sam Mourad
June C. Mueller
N Consulting LLC
Les Nackman
Betsy Nelson
Demmie Nicozisin
Mrs. Robert W. Nolan, Sr.
Maria O'Brien
Amy Oglander and Ken Wartman
Carolyn Ohlsen
Alison Oswald and Danny Plax
Tom Ott and Steven Koehler
Jan Parker and Louis Gerteis
Dee and Steve Parks
Marie Parrott
Pecha Family Foundation
Elif and Austin Perkins
Anna and Long Phan
Mr. William R. Piper
Julie Plax
Joyce and David Price
Madelon Price
Amy and David Pritikin
Emily Rauh Pulitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Purcell, Jr.
Dr. Mabel L. Purkerson
Dr. and Mrs. Humayun Quadir
Elisabeth Quatrano
Keith Rabenberg
Sheully and Khaled Rahman
Lois Raimondo
Jennifer Randolph
Dana Raucher
Mr. Jay Reiter
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Rennard
Leslie and Richard Renz
Lisa Riad
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Richards, Jr.
Larry Richardson
Riot Games, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter
Peg and John Roedel
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rohrbaugh
Christine and Martin Ronzio
Sally Rosenthal
Audrey Rothbarth
Rita Rothschild and Stuart Hoffman
Locha Rowan-Simmons
Dr. Hazel Rozema and Dr. Vernon Kays
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rubin
Mrs. Carol Rucker
Ann and Peter Ruger
Dr. Shirley Sahrmann
Lori and Scott Sale
Ryan Salem
Amanda Samuels
Chris Schmid
Audrey and Zack Schmook
Eilene and Herb Schneiderman
Jacquelyn and Richard Schnidman
Patience and Bevis Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Schramm
Susie and Bob Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schwartz
Sherry R. and Stephen E. Schwartz
Susan and Allan Scott
Seyforth Shaw
Sony and Mohammad Shabbir
Dorothy Nash Shack
Mr. James Shanfeld
Mary Shelangouski
Heather and Daniel Sheldon
Mr. Lewis Shepley
David Shores
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shubert
Jennifer Shuck
Jo Marie Simkins
Linda and Richard Smith
Eric Snyder
Mary Beth and Allen Soffer
The Frank & Bessie Spielberg Foundation
Laura Stanton and David LaGesse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stein
Sally Stein
Nicholas Stephens
Patricia Stokes
Evelyn and Bob Sugarman
Mariah Byrne Sullivan and
Connor Sullivan
Honorable Kathy A. Surratt-States
Constance Suydam
Margie Talcoff
Etta Taylor
Leslie and Mark Temkin
Edward Thirdkill, II
Christy and Jeff Thompson
Heather and Chris Thompson
Catherine M. Tierney
Pam and Craig Toder
Debra Townsend
Linda Tuckson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerone Tyus
Liz Ullman
Mrs. William Van Luven
Beverly and Clyde Vandivort
Nancy and Robert Wagoner
Hardy Washington, Jr.
Jordan Watson
Betty and Tom Weber
Richard Weiss and Sally Altman
Susan and Howard Weissman
Robert A. Wells
Karen and Michael Wetmore
Linda Wheatley and John Singleton
Allison and Kevin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilton
Jessica and Bruce Wilton
Jo Lynn and Warren Winer
Morley D. Winters
Roma Wittcoff
Elizabeth Yannakakis
Suzanne Yee and John Nachbar
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Yoon
Debra and Mark Zerman
Anonymous (three donors)
Dr. Jennifer Abel
Donna and Paul Abrams
Connie Agard
AmazonSmile Foundation
Harriette Arkin
Ruth Barham
Shirlene Baris
Ms. Lisa Graivier Barnes
Ms. Michelle Barry
Marian Bauer
Margot and Kenneth Bean
Sandi Becker
Sally Benjamin
Rabbi Daniel Bogard
Katherine and Patrick Bommarito
Lynn M. Born
Ellen and Jack Bowles
Marcy and Dale Brodsky
Sheila and Scott Brooks
Mr. David W. Brown, Jr.
Martha Brown and Brent Mandry
Maurice Brown
Ilana Brownstein
Jane Bufe
Charlie Bunge
Samuel Cashel
Jane and John Cross
Ruby Curry
Linda and Bob Dencker
Jess Dewes
Christine Donohoo and Alex McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dunn
Deborah Eiseman
Delphine Fehlig and Qun Sha
Judy Ferguson-Shaw
Vicki Ferris
Ms. Loretta Fick
Hopey Fink
Judith L. and James E. Fisher
Helen Flatau
Ilene and Burt Follman
Gerald Fritz
Nancee and Andy Glaser
Jarred Goldberg
GoodCoin Giving Fund
Roxann Greenberg
Elizabeth Greenblatt
Barbara Greenspoon
Timothy Gutknecht
Bella Hafezi
Kit and Duane Hagen
DeRaye and Stephen Hansen
Katherine and Jeffrey Harris
Mary Pat Hennicke and Rich Hennicke
Ms. Margaret Hermes
Deborah and Kent Hirschfelder
William Hobson
Laura and William Houck
Susan and John Hussey
Ms. Phyllis Hyken
Dr. and Mrs. Daryl Jacobs
Ms. Theresa Jansen
Nancy Jenkins
April Mickens Jolly and Andwele Jolly
Ms. Sandy Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Kelsten
Laura Kessler
Karen Kleiman
Michelle and Allen Krauss
David Krauss and Nada Fremder-Krauss
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Krawll
Barbara and Bert Levy
Sandra G. Levy
Mrs. Chandra Lewis
Kathy and Sidney Machefsky
Peggy J. MacKnight
Judi and Sandy MacLean
Sandy Macovei
Diane Maier
Mary McCafferty
Judith W. Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ming
Lisa Mitchell
Heather Morgan
Judi Lois Nudelman
Oak Park Estates Association
Roxanne O'Connor
Genevieve W. and Jerome H. O'Neil, Jr.
Karen Phon
Barbara and Larry Poger
Anne Posega
Dale Poslosky
Linda and Howard Powers
Jennifer Ransburg
Leslie and Jake Reby
Karen Reifer
Sue Rich
Mrs. Jack B. Rosen
Jenny Rosenberg
Charlotte Rosenblum
Gloria S. Ross
Mr. George S. Roudebush, Jr.
Margaret Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Everard Rutledge
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Sachar
Barbara L. Sandmel
Ms. Jakki Savan
Thomas Scally
Martha and Robert Scharff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schraibman
Joey Schuman
Lee Scissors
Robin Shane
Mary and Ken Shapiro
Leonard Sherman
Michele and Patrick Siler
Carole Simon
Noma Simon
Lenny Simpson
Matthew Sloan
Ellen and Gary Soule
Debra and Joel Spigel
Sporting Arkansas
St. Louis Community Foundation
Linda Stark
Alice and Barry Steinglass
Julia Steininger
Sarah Susman
Sherry Taylor
Rachael Tella
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Travis
Geri Tyrey
Debbie Tzinberg
Laurie and Chris Wagoner
Sidney Watson and Terry Perkins
Nancy and Andy Weigley
Mr. Stephen Wolff and
Dr. Carolynn Wolff
Judy and Jerry Zafft