
Advocacy Committee
Karen O. Drake, Vice-President
Gerald Axelbaum
Jacqueline Meaders Booth
Buff Buffkin
Linda Goldstein
Janet Hendrickson
Laura Kipnis
Board Development Committee
Tom Ruwitch, Chair
Clayton M. Evans, Member-at-Large
April Mickens Jolly
Lynne Kipnis
Lainie Neiman
External Relations Committee
Debra B. Kennard, Vice-President
Azmy Azmy
James E. Crowe, III
Bill Eastman
Barbara Touchette
Beth-Anne Yakubu
Planning and Finance Committee
Jill Nowak, Treasurer
Joan Esserman
Muhammad Q. Islam
Joan Magruder
David A. Meyer
Julia Muller
Robert Schmalz, Secretary to the Board
Program Committee
Heidi Veron, Vice-President
Matt Dace
Jennifer A. Haynes
Susan Plassmeyer
Estie Pruett
Dana Romeis
Lauren J. Sagel
Honorary Life Directors
Buff Buffkin
Betsy Douglass
Joyce Follman
Linda Goldstein
Joel Iskiwitch
Nancy Kalishman
Lynne Kipnis
Donna Moog
Julia Muller
Estie Pruett
Audrey Shanfeld
Barbara Touchette
resources by function
including program
services, student loans,
and grants awarded
General and
of support
Public support
Student loan repayments
Interest and investment
Special Thanks to Our Donors
Donors trust The Scholarship Foundation to put students first and to make sure that the opportunity to succeed is extended to all students. The Scholarship Foundation is grateful for the support of donors, whether through the total trust of an unrestricted gift or the targeted impact of gifts restricted for specific purposes.
The following donors have chosen to respond to current conditions by seeking to build a better world through increased educational access. Contributions made between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 are accumulated in the giving categories below. Such contributions include gifts and pledges to the Foundation’s annual campaign, gifts to support student grant programs, bequests and planned gifts, gifts given to special projects, and tribute gifts.
Donors wishing to make contributions can give online or mail a check payable to “The Scholarship Foundation” to 6825 Clayton Avenue, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63139. More information on other giving options (including planned gifts, bequests, and gifts of stock) is available by contacting Development Coordinator Jamie Wilger at 314-932-6943 or jamie@sfstl.org, or by viewing the Case for Support.

Designated Scholar Loans
The Designated Scholar Loan Program was created by then Foundation President Nancy Kalishman in December, 1981. Of the program, she said “This kind of giving and caring, we hope, will engender giving and caring in the loan recipients themselves another day.” Every Designated Scholar Loan has a story, and DSLs were established by donors wishing to connect with students, honor special occasions, encourage specific fields of study, or remember or honor loved ones. DSLs were established by a variety of people, including current and former board members, former Foundation students, and members of the community.
Over its lifetime, the DSL program raised over $5 million, which are recycled through the loan program as borrowers repay and new students are awarded, providing future stability for the Foundation. The program ran for 40 years until December, 2021. During that time, almost 200 donors established 317 Designated Scholar Loans, which will be listed in perpetuity. Many were established by former students, proving that Mrs. Kalishman showed great foresight in hoping that the funds would engender giving and caring in those who were awarded from them.
For information on giving opportunities to honor or memorialize loved ones, connect to students, or increase impact through targeted giving, please see the Case for Support, or contact Development Coordinator Jamie Wilger at 314-932-6943 or jamie@sfstl.org.
If bolded, a named loan was established since January 1, 2021. If italicized, a named loan was fortified since January 1, 2021 with a gift which strengthened the loan’s power to support today’s students.