Student Loan Programs
Since offering its first loan – $15 – in 1920, The Scholarship Foundation has provided $75 million in interest-free, fee-free loans to more than 11,000 students from the St. Louis region. In 2017, The Scholarship Foundation awarded nearly $3 million through the Interest‑Free Loan Program to 405 students.
In 2017
was awarded through
the Interest-Free
Loan Program to

Student Grant Programs
Student Grant Programs provide critical last dollars to make college attendance and perseverance possible for low-income students. Since 1998, the Foundation has awarded more than $8 million in grants to students. In 2017, the Foundation supported 149 students with grants totaling $957,000.

In 2017
received grants totaling
Student Advising Program
The Student Advising Program provided timely information for navigating the complex financial aid process to more than 6,000 students and families in the bi‑state area and beyond through workshops, presentations, webinars, and outreach events. Student advisors also support Foundation students throughout college through campus visits and one-on-one advising.

Education Policy Internship Program
The Education Policy Internship Program has engaged 20 current and former Foundation students since 2014 to conduct research and advocate for state, federal, and institutional policies that improve educational affordability and accessibility to postsecondary education for students with financial need, students of color, and immigrant students.

Community Internship Program
Through the Community Internship Program more than 50 students have gained valuable work experience in their fields of study through 70 paid opportunities at local nonprofit organizations since 2012. In 2017, 15 interns were engaged at 12 agencies throughout St. Louis.

Loan Dollars
in the Hands
of Students
of Foundation
by Function
Including program services,
student loans, and grants awarded
General + Administrative
Program Expenditures
of Support

Thank You
Special Thanks to our Donors
Contributors are listed in the giving category commensurate with the total of their contributions and pledges made to The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Such contributions include gifts made to the Foundation’s annual campaign; gifts to the Bravo Fund; bequests and planned gifts; major gifts to the Designated Scholar Loan (DSL) Program; gifts given to special projects; and tribute gifts. For more information, please contact Executive Director Faith Sandler or External Relations Director Karin McElwain‑West at 314‑725‑7990.
If you wish to make your annual contribution online now, please click here. Contributions made by check should be payable to “The Scholarship Foundation” and mailed to 6825 Clayton Avenue, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63139. Please write “annual gift” in the check memo. Thank you.

Designated Scholar Loans
Designated Scholar Loans (DSLs) are a special type of interest-free loan established in memory or in honor of one or more significant individuals. DSLs offer an option for personal contact between the donor and student. Each DSL is awarded by The Scholarship Foundation to an individual qualified for an interest-free loan. Donors may establish a DSL with a gift or pledge of $30,000 or more, payable in full or in five annual installments. For more information about DSLs or any other giving option, please call The Scholarship Foundation at 314‑725‑7990.
If highlighted, the named loan was established or expanded since January 1, 2017.