
The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis, a nonprofit organization founded in 1920, is based upon the conviction that an educated society is essential to a healthy democracy. Central to its advocacy efforts is the belief that those most impacted by policies should have a significant role in shaping them. This belief forms the foundation of The Scholarship Foundation’s advocacy program, which engages student leaders through an 8-month fellowship aimed at cultivating skills and understanding of methods for effecting systemic change. 

Led and driven by students themselves, this program fosters a cohort of young leaders who engage in advocacy efforts. Leveraging the expertise and leadership of these Policy Fellows, The Scholarship Foundation addresses student concerns by formulating a policy agenda based on thorough research and data analysis. 

Guiding Principles

We value equity. We define equity and work to live in a world that practices it. Developing equity consciousness (internal and external awareness of systemic oppression and its effects) and commitment (the will to take up equity challenges). 

We value justice. We are a broad, diverse community of people who are driven by a commitment to justice. We prioritize support that improves the lives students and people of color.  We work to introduce new alliances and tools for challenging racism, sexism, classism, inequities, injustices, and homophobia, across our communities. 

We value critical inquiry. We recognize that building community requires time, effort, and sacrifice. We see questions as essential to growth, renewal, and the overturning of ideas that harm our communities. 

We value tenacity. We are bold, daring, fearless, and steadfast in challenging assumptions and conventions in ways that resonate and connect with grassroots communities. We think critically and strategically in search of the best answers and approaches. 

We value innovation. We approach our work with optimism, think boldly, and see new ideas as opportunities for transformation, forward growth, and social change. 

We value authenticity. We live at the intersections, transgressing boundaries and uplifting our communities.