Becoming familiar with the resources and services that your school offers is important. Your campus has several programs and services created to assist you reaching your goals. Below you will find a list of the resources that may exist on your campus, what they offer, and how to use them while in college.
Tutoring– If you need help with homework, test preparation, or projects, locate the tutoring office to connect with campus tutors. This office can assist with academic success strategies and support you in reaching your academic goals.
Career Center– If you need help identifying your career path or finding an internship, practicum, or job, the career center may have postings and support. They can also assist with mapping professional goals, constructing a plan, and making informed career decisions.
Academic Advising– If you have a question about your academic plan and course registration, academic advisors can help. Advising gives students the skills and resources needed for academic success— insight or direction on academic, social, and personal matters.
Computer Lab/Library- If you need to use a computer or locate a book, check out the resource available through the university’s computer labs and libraries. They can help you locate the tools and information you need to be successful.
Disability Services– If you need help with accommodations and support services for students with disabilities, this office is a key support system. They can help you find the resources and navigate your campus experience, which includes making sure you receive the support you need.
Math Center– If you need help with a tough math problem, this office can assist with mathematic courses.
Writing Center-If you need help with drafting a paper, the writing center is a great resource to know and use. This office is a resource for students seeking assistance with writing assignments and desiring to improve writing skills.
Cashier’s Office– If you need information about a bill, the cashier’s office (sometimes called the Bursar’s Office) can help. They can assist you with managing your financing, such as billing, loans, refunds, and other financial matters.
Registrar’s Office– If you need help with aspects of your academic record, the registrar’s office is a place to go. This office can assist you with verifying enrollment, monitoring academic records, and preparing for graduation. They are also the office that oversees official transcripts, which you may need for many reasons, including renewal of your Scholarship Foundation funds.
Financial Aid Office– If you have questions about paying for college, this office is key to your money and financial aid related questions. This office can you assist with FAFSA, loans, work-study, grants, and scholarship information. Sometimes they can assist with other financial matters, including emergency grants or loans in the event of an unexpected expense or loss of income.
Pantry– If you are experiencing hunger or are short on food at any point, consider using the campus food pantry. The pantry is available for students to choose from a variety of foods to help enable food security.
Safety- If you need assistance with a safety matter, campus public safety may be able to help. Some offer training, assist with walking or driving escorts across campus, or can respond to an emergency. Scholarship Foundation Advisors know many students may not be comfortable using public safety or university police; if you wish to discuss a safety plan and other resources, please contact your advisor.
Help Desk (IT Support)- If you need help with your computer or other IT matter, the Help Desk is an invaluable resource. They can assist you with campus technology and troubleshooting.
TRiO Programs– If you are a first-generation student, eligible for a Pell Grant, or have a disability, you may be eligible for TRIO Programs on your college campus. These educational opportunity and support programs designed to assist while you are in college.
Counseling Center– If you need to talk to someone, the counseling center may have a limited number of free sessions you can access. This office supports and assists you in navigating stress, anxiety, and depression. Here you will find tools and resources to navigate personal concerns.
Student Health Center– If you need health related resources, the on-campus health center may be useful. they can assist with vaccinations, emergency care, and health advice. They can also refer you to other medical support near campus if necessary.